Version 4.18 was released October 15, 2020. We developed the following new features in this release:
- Learning Needs Report: We developed a new Management Report, which uses the data available in the Assigned Training Report, but changes the presentation to provide a rolled up view. The report displays unique learning events and the number of learners with the course assigned. Users can click the number of learners to see names and other details.
- Training Request Form/Approval process: Client-requested feature. We embedded a training request and approval process in the system, so that learners or a sponsor can complete a training request form that can be routed for approvals. Approvals are saved in CMS.
- Last Login: We are making a user's most recent login information available to be used in Izenda reports and will display it in the User Accounts grid.
- Custom emails: Admins will have the ability to create customized emails that use the generic email alert fields and can be send as-needed vs. connected to a system trigger.
- User Consent Form inactivation: Provides Admins the ability to make a notification or user consent form inactive so that users will not see it when they login.
- Elective Training enhancements:
- Multiple Course Selection: We modified the Elective Training catalog so that it remains open to enable learners to select more than one course at a time
- Responsive design: we added responsive design to our Elective Training catalog to improve access via tablet and smartphone
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