Competency Role Detail
Displays a list of competency units included in each competency role, their job level required and criticality rating.
Competency Unit Count by Competency Role - Matrix
Displays a count of competency units per competency role.
Competency Unit Count by Job Title and Competency Role - Matrix
Displays a count of competency roles and competency units per job title.
Job Title and Competency Role Structure
Displays a list of all job titles, the competency roles linked to them, and all competency units with their JLR and criticality rating. Click a job title or competency role name to view Job Title Competency Unit Detail report for that job title.
Competency Role Linked to Job Title
Displays job titles and the competency roles linked to them. Grid data filters based upon selection clicked in the chart.
JLR Matrix by Competency Role
Displays the job level required for all competency units in competency roles.
JLR Matrix by Competency Role Group
Displays the job level required for all competency units in competency roles, grouped by role group.
JLR Matrix by Job Title
Displays the job level required for all competency units by competency role and job title.
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