Version 4.15 was released December 20, 2019. The release includes the following new feature updates to CMS Online:
- Assessor - Restricted: allows Administrators to assign Assessors to conduct specific assessments. This is in addition to the current method of open assessor assessment. Unrestricted Assessor page also updated.
- Login As Another User
- Administrator: Administrators may login as another user in order to troubleshoot or provide support. Includes a log for auditing use of this functionality
- Authorized User: we added a new user permission type. Authorized Users can login as other specified users
- Access IHRDC Microlearning from Dashboard: IHRDC’s most recent product – Microlearning – has been embedded in CMS Online and allows users to search for small snipets of learning. Additional licensing required.
- New Administrator Assignment Options:
- Link Curriculum Learning to Department and Team: we added options for assigning Learning Curriculum to users. Administrators can now base assignments on users’ Employee Type, Job Title, Department or Team
- Assign Competency Roles to Users: we added flexibility into how competency roles are assigned to employees. In addition to assigning them through linkage to job title, Administrators can assign directly.
- User Interface (UI) Updates:
- Implemented responsive design to optimize Assessor Assessment pages
- New design for Assessor Plan
- Improved mobile view of Mandatory Training
- Various cosmetic fixes
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