Feature |
Description |
Assessor Assessment |
Assessor assessment summary display issue |
page disappears and display issue when exporting assessor plan |
assessor assessment plan export to PDF display issue: check boxes overlap |
Competency Role Builder |
Competency Role families and roles won't save without description |
CM Dev - master level is cut off no scroll to the right on laptop screen |
​Competency Role grouping issue |
Email Alerts |
Formatting and styling is breaking the creation of a new email alert |
Scroll bar not working on email alerts page |
Email alerts: Active/Inactive |
email alerts Active check box for pre-existing active email alerts is not defaulting to checked |
Job Description |
Hitting cancel on the edit job description page shows the edit button hidden under fields and not working |
Job Description will not save without dates in the approvals section |
Unable to edit Job Description |
Manage System Links |
Error "DB Name and Name values are required" When adding an item under "Manage System Links" |
My Assessment |
Failed submit error message when submitting my assessment |
My Employees' Assessment |
Display issue in the My Employees' assessment page |
UI |
Kendo grids need to have memory |
User Accounts |
Modify Delete column and tool tip in User Accounts Assessment List |
User Consent Form |
issues saving changes in consent form especially if formatting was used |
Unable to check confirmation on consent forms without maximizing the window |
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