Your ability to directly launch or request access to launch an e-Learning course is based upon your company's e-Learning license.
Begin by clicking Select New Course in the Elective Training swimlane on your CMS Online dashboard.
The Dynamic Course Catalog will launch. Browse or search the course catalog to locate the course or courses you would like to request access to.
When you locate a course you would like to take, click the slider to slide to the right. After making all your selections, click Submit All.
You will receive 2 emails: the first to confirm your requests, and the second after your requested course(s) have been approved.
Once it is approved, the course will display in your Elective Training section of your dashboard. Simply click the course to launch it. Alternately, you can launch the course from My Reports>Assigned Training.
1 comment
Buenas tardes como visualizo el curso de HR Ethics Series: Ethical Decision Making
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