If you have been assigned the Supervisor role in CMS Online, and are ready to start assessing your employees, click My Employees’ Assessment under the Assess option on the left navigation menu.
Each employee will be assigned one or more assessments, based upon the number of competency roles linked to their job title. Competency roles are listed separately. To begin an assessment, click Start in the Action column for the employee and assessment you will complete.
You may select a different employee or toggle between competency roles for the current employee from this screen.
Click an active link CU title.
Read each skill statement, then click the check boxes next to each skill the employee can perform competently. Click to save and move to the next CU.
- After ticking statements, the Completed toggle in the right corner switches to YES automatically. If you would like to return to this CU later, then switch the toggle to NO to show it as incomplete.
- When no statements in a CU are selected, meaning the score on a CU is zero, you will need to manually switch the Completed toggle to YES. Otherwise, the CU will show incomplete and you will not be able to submit the assessment.
- You may also submit comments and/or evidence for any of the CUs.
- You must select a minimum number of statements at lower levels of proficiency before credit is given for higher levels of proficiency.
Continue by either clicking another competency unit title in the list on the left, or clicking on the right side, and following the same process. Once you have completed all CUs, click DONE.
You will have the opportunity to review the assessment. Click SUBMIT when done.
Each time you are finished working, click Logout from the dropdown under your name at the top right corner of the page.
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