Users may create a training request for all other users they have permission to see. For example, a Supervisor may submit a request on behalf of direct reports, and a Viewer may submit a request for any other user(s) in the organization.
Begin by selection Training Request from the left navigation menu under Learning.
A grid containing all previously-created requests will display. Start a new request by clicking Add new Training Request.
The Learning Needs report will open, displaying learning events assigned to all users you have permission to see. Learning events are unique and include the number of learners who have been assigned the course. Locate a learning event and click its' row to select.
The 2) Select Employee section will populate with the names of all users who have been assigned the learning event you selected. Select all users you'd like to include in the request, then click the Training Request Form button.
Complete the fields, select approvers and Submit for Approval.
The submitted form will be routed for approvals, beginning with your Supervisor. Once the supervisor approval is granted, it will route to Additional Approvers. After they have approved, the form will route to a Final Approver (if selected). Status will update on the Training Request grid as approvals are received.
Once all approvals are in place, the status will change to Approved.
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